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Training program for bodybuilding beginners

Training program for bodybuilding beginners

Before starting to Grasp a barbell Olympic and make impressive set of squats or bench press you need to do quite a bit of experience with simple exercises with the machines where the movement is controlled and the risk of injury is less than free weights.

Practicing single joint exercises with the machines allows you to insulate your muscle groups, this allows to directly stimulate the muscles in preparation for multi-joint exercises such as the bench press and the squat, where it is required a good coordination of more motor units to get a good quality in 'execution.

We must not forget that those who approach for the first time to the weights, or who has been away for a long period, it must give time to the nervous system to learn the correct movements and then have the time to recruit the right amount of motor units for each exercise.

Prof. WJ Kraemer of the ' University of Connecticut-Storrs , regarded as one of the best doctors kinesiology of America, says that the best workout plan for beginners is to start with individual single joint exercises and then progress slowly entering into the program exercises multi-joint. According to Prof. Kraemer this system allows you to develop greater strength and coordination in the individual muscle fibers .

The first 4 weeks are very important for beginners, in the first weeks is advisable to exercise exercises performed preferably with the machines being focused on single joint exercises, only the third week begin to insert some multi-joint with machines like the chest press machine, the shoulder press. To the biceps and calves, there are many choices of training in multi-joint exercises apart from the rowers who also provide a good stimulus to the biceps.

As per the experts, even for beginners is important to vary, which means to apply a dynamic organized to training intensity considering a long time.

body building beginners Resistance training: in this phase there is based on the implementation of low loads and a high number of repetitions about 12-15 or higher. A good training program for beginners inevitably starts with a phase of resistance, because it guarantees a good learning intramuscular and thanks to small loads it protects from injuries.
In large part, the progress of force that appear in an individual who has just overlooking the gym are due to a intramuscular adaptation, this means that the fibers learn to contract in synergy with the nervous impulse so gradually more and more optimal. The best way to train the intramuscular system so it is with repetition.

Following the period of the resistance body has become accustomed to the type of exercise and the muscle fibers, the tendon insertions and nervous system are already adapted to the type of effort. It 's time to focus on' muscle hypertrophy, it has been shown that to achieve the best results in terms of muscle development are needed from 8 to 10 repetitions per set. A lower number would allow the use of a higher load, and this combination is much more suited to stimulate muscle strength, while on the contrary a higher number of repetitions would allow the use of lighter loads flowing in training so for the resistance.

The number of sets increases in parallel with the intensity with which you want to train a muscle group you start with a set in the first three weeks, and then progress to three, the expert body builder then execute September 5 to 6 to the muscle groups larger, thus stimulating the tissue with a high intensity .

training frequency in beginners can be even higher, since the first period of intramuscular adaptation, subsequently increasing the intensity of training frequency will necessarily decrease until you come to a weekly session per muscle group, this is to allow for proper recovery time during which you have the proper growth of the active muscle to act of overcompensation.

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