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More muscle with apple cider vinegar

More muscle with apple cider vinegar

The bodybuilding workouts are fed mainly from glycogen stored in the muscle. Glycogen is nothing but a long series of repeated chains of glucose. When it needs energy glycogen is broken down by a process called glycolysis. The glycogen stored in the liver is used to maintain blood glucose levels between meals within precise because the brain and nervous system are dependent on a constant influx of glucose to keep the engines accesses. The best way to restore the depleted glycogen stores is to take carbohydrates. In fact, the speed and efficiency with which the body restores glycogen stores in muscle largely determines the pace of recovery from physical activity.

In recent years many techniques have improved the normal intake of carbs after your workout to restore the levels of muscle and liver glycogen. One involves the use of a combination of carbohydrates and protein, usually with a 3:1 ratio between the carbohydrates and proteins. It works because it involves the use of carbohydrates with high glycemic load, or simple, which stimulate the maximum release of insulin. Insulin, in turn, favors the increase of the enzyme activity limiting necessary for glycogen synthesis. Add the whey protein to carbohydrates produces an even greater release of insulin and, therefore, a more efficient recovery of glycogen.

Japanese scientists believe they have discovered another way to increase the synthesis of muscle and liver glycogen after your workout. In a study with mice, scientists have found that acetic acid administered to rodents increased the efficiency of the restoration of muscle and liver glycogen. The most common source of acetic acid is vinegar and the study found that the same amount of vinegar used with the food provided enough acetic acid to do the job.

Vinegar contains acetic acid at a concentration of 3-9%, and foods such as sushi, meat marinades and vegetables seasoned with vinegar contain 0.2-1.5 g of acetic acid. The vinegar is a good source of acetic acid and is used for many years as a popular cure. A diet still in vogue on the internet sees as the key ingredient of apple cider vinegar.

The way in which the acetic acid increases the glycogen replenishment process is complicated and the liver is different from that muscle. However, both processes change the enzyme systems and the final result is a greater recovery of glycogen. Although the initial study subjects used as guinea pigs, there is no reason to think that the technique does not work in the human body that uses the same enzymes in the system of glycogen replenishment. Those who want to try the acetic acid can be used apple cider vinegar or the tablets or capsules, are inexpensive and easy to use.

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