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The serum is always the best for building muscle

The serum is always the best for building muscle?

The serum protein remains the most popular with bodybuilders. Recently, some scientists have compared the effects of fast-digesting protein (hydrolyzed whey and soy) and slow digestion (micellar casein) on mixed muscle protein synthesis, both at rest and after training with resistance training.  Eh yes, soy protein is considered a "fast" ...

Three groups of healthy young men who followed a program of weight training for one leg and then drank a mixture containing 10 g of essential amino acids in the form of hydrolysed whey, micellar casein or soy protein isolated. The three beverages did not contain the same amount of protein, but rather the same dose of essential amino acids. Interesting. Well, resting mixed muscle protein synthesis was higher in subjects who had taken the proteins faster. In fact, the serum has stimulated the process more than the casein and soy (respectively 93% and 18% more). After training, the results were similar: the serum has enhanced muscle protein synthesis approximately 122% more than the casein and 31% higher than the soy.

These data confirm the findings of another study which analyzed the effects of supplementation with protein of 10 weeks of training. The scientists compared the effects of whey isolate and hydrolyzed casein on strength, body composition and blood glutamine during 10 weeks of supervised training with resistance training. In a double-blind protocol, 13 male amateur bodybuilders have added to their normal diet isolated 1.5 g of whey or casein per kilogram of body weight. 

Whoever had taken the serum gained more lean mass and lost more fat body of the casein group, in addition to experiencing a significantly greater improvement of the strength in all of the tests, even in those in which the changes in strength were expressed in terms of body weight change.

But the question is: what is the difference between whey and soy protein are both fast and the doses contained the same amount of essential amino acids? Scientists speculate that the serum is able to stimulate muscle protein synthesis more soy because it is rich in branched chain amino acids total (about 7% more) and leucine (about 28% more). Thus, the leucine might act as an activator to maximize the stimulation of protein synthesis. But, then I say, why not simply add more BCAA and leucine to soy or casein? But, in short, who has time for that? So, here you go: from the training data shows that whey protein is piùanaboliche and, as regards the soy protein ... now its no longer interest anyone!

Editor's Note: Dr.. Jose Antonio is the responsibility of the International Society of Sports Nutrition and is scientific advisor for the sport for the VPX / Redline.

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