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Showing posts from 2014

Bodybuilding for Women- A Beginners Guide

Bodybuilding for Women- A Beginners Guide The concept of bodybuilding program for women is not exceptional anymore. The women are more ambitious about growing healthy muscles and competing on several famous bodybuilding sports platforms. Gone are the days when there was speculation about the issues on bodybuilding for women and the consideration that it reduces the fat stores in the body to considerably low levels. The myth about loss of femininity factors is gone and there are female bodybuilders leading a healthy and normal life across the globe. If you are a bodybuilding enthusiast too and want to join this long queue, then here is brief note on the aspects you need to consider before starting. Important Considerations for Beginners There is a slight difference in the bodybuilding program for men and women involving weight-training matters. Women are supposed to lift lesser weight compared to men. Apart from these, there is not much difference in the bodybuilding techn

The ketosis diet plan

The ketosis diet plan Usually people consider a ketosis diet plan as a short-term diet option. The truth is this diet plan can be sustained over long periods and you can use it to get a bodybuilder physique. The idea of this diet is to limit your carbohydrate intake for most of the plan followed by adding a small subsection were more energy will come from fat and protein. By managing low carbohydrate periods with high-fat and protein, and then subbing in small break. Work carbohydrates are allowed, you can work to maintain energy levels and target fat cells. This can help you to get lots of energy to work out and define your muscles very well.  When you stop eating carbs your body will begin to release ketones. These are released in the mitochondria of your liver cells and they will begin to break down any fatty acids in your system which will give your body more energy to work out for longer with less pain. Carbohydrates only work to limit the production of ketones and as a

Get the Most Out of Cyclical Ketogenic Diet

Get the Most Out of Cyclical Ketogenic Diet The Cyclic ketogenic diet , or for short, CKD, is different from other popular bodybuilding diets because of its episodes of consuming food rich in carbohydrates. The success of ketogenic diet lies in the strategies used to compel the body into burning fat, an innate process called ketosis. Because the body prioritizes the burning of carbs to provide energy to the body, restricting the ingestion of carbohydrates will induce the body to burn the fat. That is the principle of Cyclic Ketogenic Diet . Once the body realizes that there is a calorie deficit, it will begin to turn to the stored fat as well as the regular dietary fat that is taken in daily for energy fuel. There are two major phases of the cyclic ketogenic diet : the carb-up and the ketogenic phase.  During the ketogenic phase which usually lasts for almost a complete week, you limit your carbohydrates consumption to less than 30 grams each day. With CKD, you need to mon

Sexy Back Bodybuilding

Sexy Back - so your back is V-shaped "A beautiful back can delight" is a famous saying, because broad shoulders and a V-shaped torso always make an impressive impression! Here you can see how serious the training really is the athletes. A toned back looks not only strong, but also has health benefits: They have less back pain, less Schulterblessuren and rare headache. A strong back ensures a healthy, upright posture and gives you literally backing. Which muscles are important for a V-shaped back and - most importantly - how to train these best? Latissimus Dorsi: The widest back muscle begins on the whole length of the spine and ends next to the armpit on the upper arm. This makes it the largest surface area in muscle of the body, especially the lead for the back and lower the arms is responsible. Best training opportunity? Named after him Lat Pull the Bio Force Challenge or pull-ups. Trapezius: The trapezius muscle is located between the shoulder and neck area and is a

How to Prepare Healthy Ketogenic Diet Recipes

How to Prepare Healthy Ketogenic Diet Recipes Preparing ketogenic diet recipe s requires considerable planning and skill. Once certain aspects such as fat proportion and calories are taken care of, the recipes are not complicated and take a little time to prepare. Ketogenic diets are essentially prepared for children suffering from seizures. Although not much scientific research has been conducted on the effectiveness of ketogenic diet, recorded results have shown that children do benefit from a regular ketogenic diet. In many cases, children who have been kept on ketogenic diet food for two to three months show considerable reduction in the number of seizures. The best thing is that, in some cases, the ketogenic diets were so effective that eventually the children did not need them anymore. Ketogenic diet food is mostly based on heavy fats and relatively less protein and carbohydrates. In fact, glucose is not included in some versions of the ketogenic diet at all. The aim of

Cyclical Ketogenic Diet Reviews

Cyclical Ketogenic Diet Reviews Cyclical Ketogenic diet is a low carbohydrate diet that intermittent the body in periods of moderate to high consumption of carbohydrate. This diet needs discipline and calorie consumption awareness. To simplify, cyclical ketogenic fat loss is a cycle between periods of eating varying levels of carbohydrates, protein and fat. For example, 4 – 5 days of eating foods consisting low levels of carbohydrate and high levels of protein and fats. Follow it with eating foods with high carbohydrates, high protein, and low fat for 2-3 days. Cyclic ketogenic diet has been considered as a fad diet, but not anymore. Eating diets with varying amount of carbs, fats, and proteins everyday plus proper work out and exercise can help you shed fats from your body and eventually build mass of muscles. Cyclical ketogenic diet plan is very ideal for those people who want to burn fat and preserve their muscles at the same time. The only way to achieve the good results

Type of Foods Allowed on a Ketogenic Diet

Type of Foods Allowed on a Ketogenic Diet Many people consider a ketogenic diet to simply be one that is low in carbohydrates, but actually it is a whole lot more.  There are over 1500 versions of "low car diets" on the market today, but bodybuilders have been utilizing a ketogenic food diet since the 1990's.  You rarely see a fat bodybuilder, so they must be on to something. The combination of foods allowed on ketogenic diet traditionally would consist of 50% Protein, 20% low glycemic carbs and 30% therapeudic fats.  These are the "good" fats, so don't panic.  We are going to tell you what types of foods work best on this sort of ketogenic diet.   Protein Protein builds muscle, pure and simple.  The hidden benefit to protein intake is that is curbs the appetite.  Many people are unaware of this little fact.  Eat your protein first and you are apt to eat less over the course of the meal.   You have lots of options for protein rich foods

The ketogenic diet bodybuilding

The ketogenic diet bodybuilding Establishing a good diet that you can use while you are bodybuilding is never easy. You need a diet that will help you to build strong and defined muscles without gaining any extra fat. Proteins are required but special proteins are required to make sure that muscle is gained in fat is easily lost. Ketogenic diet bodybuilding  is the ideal way that you can make this happen. This type of diet works without the use of taking special supplements or additives over the course of your training. It can be very difficult to keep track of supplements and to regularly supplement your diet when you are working out in training to become a bodybuilder. Supplements can also be one of the most expensive parts of dieting so this is where the ketogenic diet can have clear advantages.  The ketogenic diet bodybuilding method is also otherwise known as CKD. Basically what the ketogenic diet bodybuilding method entails is keeping cycled periods of extremely l

Bodybuilder diet to increase muscle mass

Bodybuilder diet to increase muscle mass Food to gain weight, increase volume or diet to increase muscle mass, consisting of: Diet to increase muscle mass : 1st meal: 8 egg whites and 4 slices of bread with tomato 1 piece of fruit 2nd meal: 300 g of boiled pasta and 300g chicken breast. 3rd meal: 300 gr rice 1 full salad 300 gr blue fish 'Tuna' 1 piece of fruit 1 skimmed yogurt. 4th meal: 30 grams of whey protein (in the form of milkshake powder) 1 piece of fruit. 5th meal: rice 3 treats 300 gr, 300 gr chicken breast 1 skimmed yogurt 1 banana. Weight training session: 45 minutes maximum. 6th meal: 1 banana, 5 g. creatine and 20 gr. nuts, cocoa, nuts ... Tips Diet to increase muscle mass : It is important that you make 5 meals and a sixth after training. Before and / or after training is important to take a banana (for lost potassium by physical effort) and creatine. The Creatine is an organic element derived from amino acids and very similar to them in terms of molecula

Ketogenic Diet Menu for Weight Loss

Ketogenic Diet Menu for Weight Loss Thinking about dieting? The Ketogenic Diet Menu for Weight Loss may be your answer to losing those extra unwanted pounds. If your goal is to lose a few pounds and achieve this by going by a low-carb diet, then the Ketogenic Diet Menu for Weight Loss is what you are looking for!!! When you begin the low carb diet through the Ketogenic Diet menu plan you will be able to achieve a metabolic state called ketosis. You might ask, “What is ketosis?” Ketosis is where your body burns ketones, which are fragments of fats, instead of glucose to fuel your body. A ketosis diet menu weight loss program is beneficial in assisting your body to survive during times when food is not available. Tools you will need before you begin the ketosis diet menu weight loss program. · book that explaining how the Ketogenic diet works · carb counter guide · do a carbohydrate sweep of your foods in your kitchen · Restock the kitchen wit

The Palumbo Keto Diet

The Palumbo Keto Diet Professional bodybuilder and fitness specialist Dave Palumbo developed the Palumbo Keto Diet for bodybuilders.   This ketogenic diet is an effective for preserving muscle mass while losing body fat. The Palumbo Keto Diet follows a very rigid diet plan at specific intervals. Any Keto diet has to be followed precisely in order to avoid health risks. These diets are intended for very active athletes for periods of less than two months. Athletes should also consult their physicians before starting a new diet or exercise program. Keto diets are temporary eating programs which consist of a high protein intake and a moderate amount of fats and very low carbohydrate intake. The basic idea of these diets is to place your body into a state of ketosis. It is required to regulate the status of ketosis because prolonged time like this can be harmful to the body. It takes three to four days to enter ketosis , so there is no need for alarm if it is not imme

Ketogenic Diet Plan

Ketogenic Diet Plan Beginning on the ketogenic diet is a great way to be healthier as a whole. This gives you the chance to not only lose weight, but also decrease the severity of several major diseases, like autism and Alzheimer’s. For people who are unhealthy, this gives you the chance to turn your life around. Even if you are at average or above health right now, this might improve where you are and increase life expectancy and quality. It should be noted that not everyone experiences the same results, however. As with every diet plan out there, you might not see the same improvements that others do. While this is true, it should not stop you from going ketogenic if you are interested in the possible benefits. As long as you have a good plan down, this can be incredibly healthy and improve your life as a whole. This diet works by having you remove as many carbs as possible, which makes this a low carb diet. Without carbohydrates, your body goes into ketosis. This is when yo

Basic plans for a bodybuilding diet

Basic plans for a bodybuilding diet There are two basic plans for a bodybuilding diet; the bulk plan and the cutting plan. Bodybuilders should never be pleased with their system, so there's no actual preservation diet. A bodybuilder is both attempting to get more muscle or improve the muscle already acquired. Therefore, anytime the typical bodybuilder is similarly on a cutting diet or bulking diet of some type. All cutter phases and bulking phases may possibly not be at the extreme ends of the range. They might be a revised version simply to continue steadily to lose body fat or develop muscle, while providing a rest to the body. A genuine cutting diet will morph the body right into a somewhat catabolic state, therefore it can't be maintained for extended periods without losing muscle. On the other hand, a genuine bulking diet can lead to some higher body fat. Both food diets should counteract one another to attain complete bodybuilding achievement. Serious fat lim

How do bodybuilders cut body fat

How do bodybuilders cut body fat? If you’ve ever seen a bodybuilding competition or know somebody that is a bodybuilder, you know that people who regularly compete in these events have little to no fat on their bodies. Knowing how to achieve the same results or kickstart your own workouts can be a difficult task especially for a beginner. It is possible for you to lose weight like a bodybuilder would and reduce the amount of fat that is on your body. It takes real work and dedication to get your body into the same shape as a bodybuilders, but using some of their methods are great ways to target fat in your body and eliminate it quickly. Here are some excellent methods that you can use to reduce fat on your body: 1.    Working yourself hard during any workouts: fat loss only gets more difficult as you get more and more in shape. When you first start exercising it’s important to exercise at a moderate pace and eventually start pushing yourself so that you can target fat cells and

Bodybuilding Cutting Diet Guidelines

Bodybuilding Cutting Diet Guidelines You see those sexy models on magazines or stunningly beautiful celebrities on TV and assume that you can be like them. In order for your dream to become reality, you need to be in a bodybuilding cutting diet that will allow you maintain the firmness and the mass of your muscle. Cutting diet is suitable for people who want to lose weight. Most of the time, these are situated in problem areas like the hips and the thighs. Bodybuilding cutting diet functions significantly to person who feel which they must get cuts in their lower back and lower abs areas. Cutting diet can be done through avoiding starch. By doing this, this will cut down the percentage of body fats to 4 up to 7%.  In this kind of diet, you are required to eat green leafy vegetables because it is a good source of fiber. You also required taking foods that rich in healthy fats like fish oils, olive oil, flax oil, steak and salmon. So as to maintain the mass of your muscle, you are

Bodybuilding Cutting Diet

Bodybuilding Cutting Diet While you need to work out to get the built and powerful body you desire, you need to do more than that. People who think that exercise alone will give them a bigger, better body are sorely mistaken, and will likely be sore with little results to show for it. By understanding that there is more to becoming stronger than just working out, you can achieve the body of your dreams. A bodybuilding cutting diet makes that so by giving your body the nourishment it needs to become as built as you want to be. Without the proper diet, you cannot expect to see your body change into what you want it to become, no matter how long you bench or how much weight there is. You need that balance to ensure your body becomes stronger and ripped in the way you want it to. A bodybuilding cutting diet is about changing the way you eat, of course. You have to use more intelligence when choosing what goes into your diet and pick foods that will help you meet your goal. Plenty o

Winning the Battle of Bodybuilding Dieting

Winning the Battle of Bodybuilding Dieting The most difficult diet that bodybuilders face is the cutting diet, and it has to do with the amount of restrictions that are enforced to get the desired results. There are plenty of bodybuilding cutting diet example plans that you can use to make this a bit simpler or for variety as you work through those last few weeks before a competition. Making sure that you can keep your motivation up and planning for setbacks are the most important aspects to focus on as a bodybuilding cutting diet is not easy to complete. A great idea to compensate for the lack of motivation as you get closer and closer to competition or during your bodybuilding diet is to rid your home from all junk food. If you don't have any of it in the house you put up more barriers that will save you from derailing your efforts. Some of the bodybuilders find that chewing on sugar-free gum can be used to get you through some sweets cravings. It is important to stay ac

Things to Keep in Mind when Attempting a Bodybuilding Cutting Diet

Things to Keep in Mind when Attempting a Bodybuilding Cutting Diet Cutting weight for any reason is difficult, but when you only have 10-15 lbs left to go, or are training for a competition, this can be the most challenging. When you are thinking about going on a bodybuilding cutting diet there are a few things to keep in mind that will make this whole process a lot easier. It all boils down to proper nutrition and staying motivated, so that you can accomplish your goals. By not including one of the areas, such as proper nutrition, you are making the cutting diet much more difficult to achieve. While you can lose a ton of weight with exercise alone a bodybuilding cutting diet requires that you incorporate all of the aspects and learn to maximize each of them. Using a low calorie, low carbohydrate diet that drops your caloric intake below maintenance needs is the best solution for those last few pounds. This will force your body to burn the fat stores to maintain itself, thereby

The Best Bodybuilding Diet For Women

The Best Bodybuilding Diet For Women It is indeed very difficult to find an excellent bodybuilder diet plan for women. This is because much of the information which is available has been designed keeping the male population and the male body in mind. Since women have different needs here are some of the best tips from the female point of view. You Should Try And Eat Smaller Meals More Often: It is a very excellent rule with regards to bodybuilder diet plan for women. The reason for this is that it is that it is able to keep a rich flow of nutrients into your body, so that you are able to properly repair your muscles throughout the day. Another reason is that when your body is in digestion mode, your metabolism also increases. Don’t Go In For The Gym Membership Trainers: In whatever gym you join, you will also be getting a free trainer. You should keep in mind that you are not going to get any sound advice on the dieting aspect from these trainers. The reason for this that these

Some Of The Best Bodybuilding Diet Plan for Men

Some Of The Best Bodybuilding Diet Plan for Men Those of you who wish to change their body will have to first of all change the fuel that goes into your body. It is very essential to find a bodybuilding diet plan for men if you wish to avail of the get the results which will be suitable for the efforts which you are putting in. Here are some of the best bodybuilder diet plans for men: Breakfast: Breakfast is considered to be an important meal of the day. It is with the help of an excellent breakfast that you are able to start your body in the morning and it is an essential food which will be able to provide you with fuel to start your day. You should therefore eat a scrumptious breakfast which should be rich in protein and fiber. You can have a large portion of scrambled eggs, apple juice, oatmeal or cereal along with some caffeine to start your day off with a boost? Lunch: With regards to the best bodybuilder diet plan for men, it becomes essential for you to keep up the prot

How to bodybuild

How to bodybuild Bodybuilding is defined as the use of resistance exercise to develop one’s body muscle. This article will look at the steps generally followed in embarking on a training regimen, the meals to be consumed and what to expect out of a training program. Bodybuilders use three main strategies to maximize body mass: * Strength training * Defined nutrition habits, and * Adequate rest in between workout sessions Steps to Consider in a Bodybuilding Regimen Before starting on a bodybuilding program , it is best to undergo a medical exam to ensure that one is healthy and that all internal organs like the heart, kidneys and liver are all healthy. Then list down specific goals that you want to achieve as each one has different motivations and desires. For someone who is looking to body build, the first thing to do would be to look for a professional gym where the services of a professional trainer can be enlisted. Bodybuilders normally train muscle groups one at a time

Four of the main benefits of bodybuilding and weight training

4 of the main benefits of bodybuilding and weight training When you tell people that you weight train and/or follow a bodybuilding routine, there’s usually one thought that pops into their heads:”steroids”. The truth is that whether you happen to be using performance enhancing compounds of are doing things the natural way, it takes great skill, determination, willpower, discipline, and focus to build a physique to be proud of. This article isn’t about debating whether performance enhancing drugs have a place in the sport, oh no, if that were the case it would be a heck of a lot longer than 500 words. Instead, this article is about explaining how bodybuilding can benefit you both physically, and psychologically, as we’ll be looking at four of the main benefits of weight training and/or bodybuilding. So, let’s begin. Your strength will increase – When you lift weights you are building your strength every single time you workout. Improving your strength has a number of benefits. F

Methods of pro bodybuilding revealed by elite coaches

Methods of pro bodybuilding revealed by elite coaches Many bodybuilders and fitness gurus write books of instructions on how to build big muscles fast. Quick to gain muscle mass and strength demands knowledge, insider tricks and hard work path. I can do the hard work, but always seek professional knowledge with proven, tested methods and the safety instructions on how to build big, lean and well-defined muscles fast. I consume a lot of manuals and videos and have a lot of training programs bodybuilders, athletes, fitness gurus and weightlifters. Over time, all purchases of these training programs add up to a lot of money. While this has been money well spent, not all tips and the method of single muscular man is useful for each individual. Each body is unique and different types of bone structure, muscle composition and hormone levels to decide what and how you train. What I do is to filter the best method of training my body each author and apply in my own training. For exa

Workout bench press bodybuilding dumbbell

Workout bench press bodybuilding dumbbell The bench press is one of the most popular upper body exercises, directed effectively push the muscles of the upper body, including, chest, shoulders and triceps. The bench press is commonly performed as a chest exercise, successfully stimulate chest during exercise, although the width of the grip can be reduced to change the emphasis on the triceps. For those doing the bench press with the aim of targeting the chest muscles, shoulder width grip or greater should be used. The shape of the bench press is important when targeting the chest muscle hypertrophy (growth) as the way in which the exercise is performed have an impact on the effectiveness of exercise to stimulate growth. First, the exercise should be performed in a controlled manner, with full control on the bar throughout the movement. Shoulders should be tightened to restrict movement of the shoulder, focusing the effort on the chest. Make sure that the arms were kept burned out

Plans low carb diet to lose weight fast

Plans low carb diet to lose weight fast Reduced Carb painless Carb pain reduction is a diet plan designed by nutritional scientist Lonnie Lowery, Ph.D. Carb painless reduction focuses on carbohydrate restriction without carbohydrate deprivation wholesale, merging the advantages of a rapid weight loss of a traditional diet low in carbohydrates maintain the habitability of carbohydrates as food option. To achieve this goal, Carb reduced pain divides the day into two parts. In the morning, you are bound to consume protein and carbohydrates with little fat. At night, you should consume protein and fat with minimal carbon hydrates. While carbohydrates are used for quick energy in the body, it makes sense to stop the flow of fuel to where they need decreases. Then think about am hour period for refueling and evening hours as a period of inertia, where the fuel is spent in the morning so that no fat is stored overnight. The food choices in carbohydrates pain reduction should be as