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Bodybuilding for Women- A Beginners Guide

Bodybuilding for Women- A Beginners Guide

The concept of bodybuilding program for women is not exceptional anymore. The women are more ambitious about growing healthy muscles and competing on several famous bodybuilding sports platforms. Gone are the days when there was speculation about the issues on bodybuilding for women and the consideration that it reduces the fat stores in the body to considerably low levels. The myth about loss of femininity factors is gone and there are female bodybuilders leading a healthy and normal life across the globe. If you are a bodybuilding enthusiast too and want to join this long queue, then here is brief note on the aspects you need to consider before starting.

Important Considerations for Beginners

There is a slight difference in the bodybuilding program for men and women involving weight-training matters. Women are supposed to lift lesser weight compared to men. Apart from these, there is not much difference in the bodybuilding techniques. As a beginner, you need to consider these basic points about bodybuilding for women to achieve your goals:

• Strictly follow the recommended workout regime
• Take a protein base nutritious diet
• Lead a healthy lifestyle
• Reduce the fat intake in your regular diet
• Increase the protein intake and take necessary supplements

Eminence of Women Bodybuilding Trainer

The new enthusiasts can benefit the most by considering a female professional trainer to guide them through their bodybuilding regime. They can guide the trainees in areas such as women health issues, weight related information, female hormone problems, etc. The beginners should also consult the trainers if they are already practicing other forms of exercises such as aerobics, yoga, cycling, swimming etc. The trainer will prepare a customized routine for the new learner based on these aspects.

Exercises and Weight Training

The starters generally start with the ten pounds dumbbell weight and it will be raised consistently over the weeks, as you feel convenient with the training. Due to low level of testosterone in the women, you will not get the bulges as men. Gradually you will start gaining the right curves. There may be a slight weight gain due to muscle build up but the new added muscles occupy less space compared to bulk of fat stores in the body. The cardio forms the integral part of the bodybuilding regime. The trainers generally recommend the High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to induce fat loss from the body. This kind of exercises is largely beneficial for women tending to lose loads of belly fat. The HIIT cardio workouts can be performed with other forms of exercises. Initially, you can follow a 20 minutes workout beginning with a warm up session of 3 to 5 minutes. You can end your workout routine with the 3 to 5 minutes of cool down period.

The abovementioned regimen and workouts privileges you to gain an awesome body and well defined curves that every woman urges to gain. The success in bodybuilding for women is based on following the instructions of your trainer, maintaining the recommended diet schedules, systematic workouts and leads a healthy lifestyle. The strenuous body sculpting of this sort not only bestows an awesome look but also facilitate to participate in bodybuilding competitions. For more in-depth information on the bodybuilding matters, consult a professional trainer.

Bodybuilding Tips For Women

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