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Weight loss and bodybuilding training

Weight loss and bodybuilding training

In Western countries noted a rapid increase of overweight in the population in recent years, affecting both sexes, all age groups, in different racial groups, families with high and low income, and affects both in rural and urban areas. Have contributed to this first, changes in lifestyles and increased availability of other nutrients.

As for changes in lifestyles, we note the increase primarily sedentary; spent many hours sitting in front of a computer or at a desk because, with few exceptions, the physical work is not the most common especially in large cities; technological advances that give us tools to make our lives more comfortable but they are double-edged tools sometimes turn against us. We can talk about the car, so important in our lives but that is to blame for us not to be able to walk anywhere because, the elevators, so quick to use that make even forget the ability to upload a few simple steps; washers, dryers and other appliances, as obvious from day to day in any family but makes us more and more static, there are countless examples of all that technology provides us. Incredible advances without which it would be possible as exponential development of our time but inadvertently may cause a decrease or even lack of physical activity for the human organism is ready.

This is not to say, of course, that we should return to the era of the cave, where the man had to hunt to eat or grow their own food hands.Only we must try to take advantage of the benefits of the modern era but trying every means at which turn it into prevent the negative affects us everyday thing. We will not tell you to the point of falling into a problem of not pugilistic the car as a means of overweight as before-mentioned, transportation, but if you to try chromosomal  We will not tell you not go up the weekend parked Substituting never in an elevator, but that you use it on the stairs perfectly acceptable distances when you get home from: walking. And so many, that happens so regularly that arrives for a visit to the gym daily (or at least 4 or 5 times a week), trying to make the time you dedicate to be as profitable as possible.

As the second leading cause of overweight in developed countries, the fact of increased nutrient availability results in calls abundance pathological  diseases of the last century, that occur in places where the possibility of food as usual every day and in the desired quantities are no problem. These are diseases such as obesity or overweight (can we call overweight as a disease?, In my opinion if, but obviously we see what level we are talking overweight), and named as anorexia and bulimia, serious illnesses with great psychological content.

Focusing on the issue of overweight, we can say that a study conducted on health food shops and sports nutrition, clearly demonstrated that (especially in seasons between April / May and September / October ), the highest percentage of customers who came asking for advice or information on products were about weight loss products. Also, the star products of these establishments were definitely products for weight control and fat loss. What does this mean?. Does this mean that all we care about (letting the usual phrase) "hold the line"?. Or is that really most people are "overweight" so that overweight, is it only concerns us in the months before the summer or during the summer because that's when we want to look our bodies to the sun and the rest of the year we do not care? Or is it for the rest of the year we deal more easily gain those kilos and then have great difficulty losing?

Course, we can not generalize. There are people very aware with their physical appearance throughout the year, who care about your diet and your training and when summer arrives not have to worry about crazy trying to get your ideal weight in record time. If you belong to this group, congratulations. Your effort will be rewarded this holiday, but also the rest of the year.

If you do not belong to this group, let me ask you a few thoughts:

1 - sudden changes in weight are extremely harmful to your health. If you are someone who raisins make a super strict diet where you lose many kilos of weight (but not worry about it in a package that also includes exercise, proper nutrition and supplementation) to pass times when you eat compulsively, recover (and even surpass) the lost weight, I assure you freestanding with your health, not only externally (stretch marks, sagging tissue, etc) but internally. My advice is CARE. I assure you that's not the way.
2 - if you are lucky enough to have a grateful metabolism and need not do great things to maintain your weight, with slight variations on the same but come summer trying to improve your form, just tell you do not waste your potential and try to stay on for round. Apart from that you will be more comfortable with yourself, keep your metabolism without danger that at one point, that one becomes grateful metabolism a little (or not so little) more ungrateful.
Yeah, actually with the arrival of summer, help decide specific products to lose weight, learn to choose the one for you. Maybe what we need is a product to help you reduce your intake of nutrients pro satiating effect (Garcinia cambogia, algae, fiber, etc). Maybe what we need is a product that allows you to remove excess fat ingested (eg. chitosan) may you need is products that help you burn fat while stimulating your metabolism (these products generally need complemented that aerobic exercise, can include L-carnitine, green tea, the cefeína, naringin or even if you have health problems, some pseudo ephedrine). Options that gives the market are really good as long as you choose the one you should for your weight, age, physical condition, etc.. Let advise, question when deciding what supplement to take, accompany it with a proper diet, appropriate exercise program for you.

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