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Food, Supplements and training to increase muscle

Food, Supplements and training to increase muscle

In this article you will know the rules for training, nutrition and supplementation to increase muscle mass for those with small body frame (ectomorph).

Advantages of being ectomorph

The majority of television actors, professional models are ectoformo somatotype. Because we find it difficult to gain weight, helps in training to build muscle and not just fat. Make a athletic body is an easy target for an ectomorph.

The basic exercises work the major muscle groups if they are executed with great weight and 5-7 reps, this forces the body to produce testosterone and other hormones, which are essential for muscle growth.

How to train

The exercises should be realizes basic exercises such as: barbell squat, bench press, curl up, etc..

When you perform core exercises work the major muscle groups performing 5-7 reps with enough weight compel the body to produce testosterone and various hormones, which are essential for increasing muscle mass.

You should eat

Many ectomorphs do not like being so thin and trying to gain weight, but by its nature it is very difficult, a solution is to eat every two hours. Eat every two hours ago that exogenous nutrients are taken to reserves, which prevents the "self-cannibalism".

The ectoformos occupy not be counting the calories you are eating normally occupy overeat to gain muscle. This does not mean that you should watch your diet, eat right reminds contrary, I recommend the brown rice to accompany your meals.

To build muscle how much protein you need to take during the day is 1.5 to 2.5 grams per kilo of body weight. If you consume less than this amount your muscles will not have the raw material to grow concerned.

What supplements to take

To increase muscle supplements is not mandatory, but they can help you to have a good balanced diet.

Recommended for ectoformo somatotype , take carbohydrate protein in the morning and after training, BCAA during your workout. You can also consume creatine which will help to give more volume and energy to your body.

Mistakes you should avoid

The ectomorph must not forget to do cardio fat removal occupy, occupy only build muscle, the more muscle and less fat.

You should not do long workouts, you must perform a routine that lasts between 45-60 minutes max carrying enough weight (strength workouts) only three or four times a week. If an ectomorph train too often do not have time to rest the muscle and can not grow, to grow squatters rest.

Since as mentioned earlier ectomorphs are unable to accumulate glycogen is necessary to take strength training and have a quick post-workout recovery.

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