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Bodybuilding Cutting Diet Plan

Bodybuilding Diet

When it comes to diet for body building needs to be done very carefully. Most of those who come to this activity primarily aim to develop the muscles and are well aware that to achieve real results you need to follow a strict cutting diet plan and workout. Most of the athletes who practice body building following a high protein diet, focusing on protein intake at the expense of carbohydrates and especially fat. It should be emphasized, however, that this diet has limitations, it is scientifically proven fact that our body can not absorb more than a certain amount of protein which means that assume an overdose only serves to strain the liver and kidneys and have any kind of positive outcome on muscle growth.

This article will explain how it set the diet for body building, a proper diet to reduce body fat, increase lean meat and meet daily energy requirements.We will see in particular how to organize meals throughout the day and what foods are preferable to optimize performance and increase your muscles.

As the body builder must plan your day food.

If you go to the gym in the morning.You have to have breakfast at least 2 hours before paying attention to the dinner the previous day.
If you train in the evening. It should be an afternoon snack for providing the body with substances ready to use.
If you are exercising in the afternoon. Lunch must be abundant and must be made 3 hours in advance.

Body building and weight.

The setting of the diet for a person who approaches the world of body building is dependent on the starting conditions of the latter, and in particular from the body mass index, or the ratio of lean mass and fat mass in relation to the weight .

As a function of these parameters in fact the subject will follow:

Slimming diet. If you are overweight it is important to follow from the beginning of low-calorie diet: you have to follow a diet that brings a lot of calories we burn less than daily, and in this way we will begin immediately to lose weight, dry the abdomen and reduce the circumference of the thighs. It 'should begin to lose the extra pounds since the early workouts because these are less severe, and in this way it will be easier to resist hunger and follow a low calorie diet.

Diet "fattening".  If you want to gain weight, or rather mass, you have to follow a high-calorie diet but it does not make you gain weight in the true sense of the word. In this case the diet will normocaloric, ie bring a quantity of calories exactly equal to that consumed.  Attention increasingly to preserve muscle with a proper amount of protein, neither excessive nor poor.

Maintenance diet. If your weight is ideal, the only thing to do is keep it under control.  In this case the diet will normocaloric, ie bring a quantity of calories exactly equal to that consumed. Attention increasingly to preserve muscle with a proper amount of protein, neither excessive nor poor.

In organizing his day food in fact the body builder must always keep in mind that the power supply must allow:
-  better address training,
- to reinstate the substances lost during physical exertion,
-  eliminate fat mass,
- increase lean body mass.

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