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Showing posts from August, 2013

Food, Supplements and training to increase muscle

Food, Supplements and training to increase muscle In this article you will know the rules for training, nutrition and supplementation to increase muscle mass for those with small body frame (ectomorph). Advantages of being ectomorph The majority of television actors, professional models are ectoformo somatotype. Because we find it difficult to gain weight, helps in training to build muscle and not just fat. Make a athletic body is an easy target for an ectomorph. The basic exercises work the major muscle groups if they are executed with great weight and 5-7 reps, this forces the body to produce testosterone and other hormones, which are essential for muscle growth. How to train The exercises should be realizes basic exercises such as: barbell squat, bench press, curl up, etc.. When you perform core exercises work the major muscle groups performing 5-7 reps with enough weight compel the body to produce testosterone and various hormones, which are essential f...

Food excellent for cardio

Food excellent for cardio Whenever you have some form of exercise into your daily routine the food plays a vital role . In fact the food always plays a key role and will largely determine your levels of health, your ability to train properly and your energy levels and body composition among other things. But speaking specifically of the exercise, a healthy diet is the best for any routine you have. And if you do cardio exercises (something we should do all), you have to have the right fuel for it ...  You see, exercises like walking, running, swimming, biking or get on any cardio machine (tape, elliptical bikes fixed, etc) require energy from carbohydrates and fats. The former are the preferred energy source of the body but also fats are used to a greater or lesser extent.  When exercise intensity also changes your body alternates between carbohydrate and fat, depending on how hard or do not do your cardio. A high intensity mainly use carbohydrates and lower intens...