Things to Keep in Mind when Attempting a Bodybuilding Cutting Diet
Cutting weight for any reason is difficult, but when you only have 10-15 lbs left to go, or are training for a competition, this can be the most challenging. When you are thinking about going on a bodybuilding cutting diet there are a few things to keep in mind that will make this whole process a lot easier. It all boils down to proper nutrition and staying motivated, so that you can accomplish your goals. By not including one of the areas, such as proper nutrition, you are making the cutting diet much more difficult to achieve.
While you can lose a ton of weight with exercise alone a bodybuilding cutting diet requires that you incorporate all of the aspects and learn to maximize each of them. Using a low calorie, low carbohydrate diet that drops your caloric intake below maintenance needs is the best solution for those last few pounds. This will force your body to burn the fat stores to maintain itself, thereby reducing your weight. It is important not to shock your system with a large drop in weight as this will cause fat storage and reverse your progress. Much better results are gained by gradually reducing your caloric intake by around 300 calories a week, until you reach your desired intake. As you lower the total caloric intake it is important that you maintain proper balanced nutrition so that you are still getting all of the macro- and micro- nutrients that you need.
Keeping your motivation and spirits up will require that you feel full even though you are eating less. By spreading the calories that you are consuming throughout the day in 6-8 smaller meals, you can maintain satiety and decrease the likelihood of wanting to cheat of your cutting diet. Making sure that the types of foods that you consume are less calorie dense and contain more water, such as soups and vegetables, will also help to keep you feeling full which providing you with the nutrition that you need. Finally it is important to facilitate all of the weight loss and body functions by ensuring that you are consuming enough water. By switching all of your drinks to water you help to feel fuller and stay hydrated through the cutting.
A bodybuilding cutting diet is not the easiest plan to follow but it will definitely get the results that you desire if you stick to it. Following these tips will help you stick to the cutting diet that you decide on and make achieving your goals that much easier and attainable.